27 March 2021

Weerstations en bodemsensoren

On September 9th, we held the kick off for the DGB meteo and sensors project. 6 DGB members will start using the equipment, using parameters such as moisture, temperature and retention in the greens. This will contribute to irrigate more effectively and have a better grip on preventing diseases. The meteo station is integrated and produces prediction models. We will share our experiences as usual the gain maximum value from the data.

At Goyer G&CC a introduction presentation followed by discussions on site.

Installing the meteo station and the ground station is rather simple and can be done in a short time

Here you will find the manual for installing the stations and the software on PC and smartphone. The time required is approximately 45 minutes per station, working together. voor het plaatsen en installeren van de software op de PC en smartphone. De benodigde tijd is ongeveer 45 minuten per station, indien met z’n tweeën wordt gewerkt.

In the manual is explained with pictures what equipment is needed and how the installation has to be conducted.

Op 18 november werden tijdens de slotdag van DGB op GC de Goyer de eerste resultaten getoond in a presentation.
