Knowledge platform DGB-NGA
Mission and Goals
The NGA and DGB have decided in November 2020 to join forces to become active in the area of acquiring knowledge. They formed a knowledge platform aiming to enhance knowledge about turf and soil which dominate the world of the greenkeeper. The platform shall be focal point for all questions and is tasked with the organisation of research, discussions, analysis and the collection of assembled knowlegde.
Using smaller groups for discussions, topics will be dealt with to enlarge knowledge and understanding. Trials can be organised simultaneously The board will offer support if required..
DGBeheer has a longstanding experience with data collection and the interpretation of data. Much knowledge has been collected for members and a reliable and easy to work with database has been developed. The protocol in use for DGB members is available for the knowledge platform as the standard for measuring and monitoring.
In order to join, active commitment of the individual participants is required, because that sets the success of our common mission. Data collection is an essential part of that.
Data in the library obtained from trials or tests remain the property of participants and are shared only permission.
The knowledge platform is chaired by a steering group
Three specialists have been found willing to support to develop the working of the platform.
Division of tasks of steering group members
Jannes Landkroon: President, communication NGA and external
Flip Wirth: Communication DGB – data DGB structure upset knowledge platform, support trials
Casper Paulussen: Process data – consultation for trials (procedures)
Erik Jan Beenackers: Contact/ guidance discussion groups
Marco Blom: Contact/ guidance trials (procedures)
Knowledge portal
A knowledge portal will be established and a library will be supported
- This will be part of the NGA website
- Management tasks will be added when the situation demands
Contact with the knowledge platform
- The email address of the steering group will be kennisplatform
- Initially Casper Paulussen will act as point of contact
- It is the intention of the group to launch a newsletter soonest
- Discussion groups
- Use of wetting agents
- Data controlled management
- Developing the dataset and standards required for measuring
- Data analysis
- Dollarspot
- Quality sheet
- Monitoring & interpretation multi annual data
- Feedback to practitioners
- Trials
- Desk study setup and goal
- Formaliseren proef / protocol
- Project priorities
- Weeds in fairways (Princenbosch)
- Grass species driving range ('t Zelle)
- Chafers etc
- Workshops and master classes
- Discuss articles and publications
- Benchmarking sessions
In UK wordt al erg lang onderzoek gedaan bij Rothamstead Research: hierbij de website
Het is de bedoeling om de onderzoeken die worden utgevoerd, af te stemmen op Europees niveau binnen de kaders van de R&A en het door hen gestarte prorgamma Golf Course 2030
For more information see NGA website: DGB/NGA-kennisplatform | NGAgolf