Interessante artikelen ontvangen via NGA met dank aan Casper Paulussen:
Januari 2024 : artikel over roodzwenkgras en artikel klimaatverandering en ziekte
artikel over evaluatie beregening
artikel: 10 redenen om je greens te rollen
nieuw Sterf project om weerstand tegen fusarium te vergroten.
USGA article about dressing and the relationship with the quality of putting greens and an article by Ewing outdoor supply about recommended practices in dressing.
Een artikel over new trends in airating and controle of organic matter gives a new vieuw on the greenkeeping practice.
A start with data controlled maintenance. This article shows how to start and gradually increase the data set.
A summary of all USGA articles about problems in greens download from website
Read here 5 points to remember whole drafting your year plan (source USGA)